Stand alone lectures:
- Emotional Intelligence (EI) and Communication Styles
- Colourful Leadership as the quick way to improve Team Communications
- Introduction to Emotional Intelligence (EI)
- Introduction to Value Management (VM)
- Introduction to Positivity Thinking
- A Travel of values through 10 aspects of Human Life
- Knowledge of Life in Modern Perspectives
- The Value of Music in building Emotional Competence
- Value Management principles in building Personal Professionalism
- Building Values towards employees
- Art and Emotional Intelligence
- The Values of Impressionism through Pierre Renoir
- The Art and Emotional Intelligence of Marc Chagall
- The values of Love, Truth and Friendship in modern business
and daily life
- The Love of Art
- The Colourful Sonata of Autumn
Seminar and Workshop content, examples:
- Introduction to and awareness building of emotional intelligence in business
- Testing and evaluation of personal communication styles
related to emotional intelligence
- Understanding, using and managing emotions
- Use of art and music to improve emotional competence
- Implementation of values in your own company
- Building and active use of individual talent
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